One Year and Happy Birthday

    Hello girls! I've missed you!
    Just thought I'd pop in quickly since today marks the one year anniversary since I started this blog! I started it as a way to chronicle our wedding planning and the process of looking for our first place and putting my obsession with decorating to good use making it a home. Thinking about the future and where I want this blog to go, I will have a lot more time and money to focus on decorating soon, as our wedding is just two months away. I would also love to start doing some creative diy projects (I'm thinking hair accessories, embellishing shirts, maybe some jewelry). I have an inspiration file a mile long, I just need the time and extra money to get started. I just want to thank all of you for listening to my ramblings and for always having an encouraging comment and kind opinion to share :)

    Also, today is this girl's 22nd birthday! Happy birthday, Elly! Love ya!


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One Year and Happy Birthday

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