My World Tuesday: Hartford, Saturday Style

    From Mar 26, 2011

    We went to Hartford, Connecticut, Saturday to visit the Wadsworth Atheneum and see an exhibit of Monet's Water Lilies paintings.

    From Mar 26, 2011

    There were permutations on Monet's beloved theme that we had not seen before--like this one behind the mime and the families. My photo does not do it justice; sitting and taking it in, I could see the reflections of clouds, the shadows of trees, life above and below the surface of the water. The painting felt like a summer's day.

    From Mar 26, 2011

    The Wadsworth is full of works from great artists and sumptuous, sensuous wonders from artists I'll never remember even if their works sing in memory. It's wonderful that even in these miserable economic times there are the resources for this wonderful place to renovate, restore, and expand. Even the chain-link fence offered up samples of art that transformed the street.

    From Mar 26, 2011

    My World Tuesday

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My World Tuesday: Hartford, Saturday Style

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